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Our Story

A Legend is Born

In September of 2021 Team Neutrino was created, we were ready to win and sped into F1 in Schools...

A Final Preperation

In the weeks coming up to the deadline our team worked as hard as ever and created our greatest creations to date, we submitted our work 2 days before the deadline and waited...

A Rebirth

2 weeks after the finals we bounced back and began to prepare for Development class, after 10 weeks we had a car done and we lead up to now...

A Rocky Road

As we slowly prepared and started our venture into the competition. We had many of our team members leave and new ones join, we faced a time where we struggled to continue, however this only strengthened our team leaving only the most dedicated left!

Race Day 

On October 15th 2022 we sat down in our school and set in tension, award after award race after race we waited until the final moment. And we saw it. We had won. We celebrated but we knew what we wanted, we wanted to win it all

The Future

We are now ready to make it to Nationals and Worlds in Professional Class, we'll be back to win next season!

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